Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Importance of the Gospel

1 Corinthians 15:1-4
If you know Christ as your savior then He becomes #1 in your life. The Gospel is important and it must be faithfully proclaimed.

The Gospel is for saved believers and He was us the share the Word with those that are non-believers in the hopes that they will change their mind and choose salvation. Matthew 28 tells us that we are to proclaim the Gospel.

Think of those who are lost and who will remain lost if we don't share the Word of God. We aren't called to keep our faith quiet - share the joy that the love of the Lord brings you!

The Gospel is to be believed. Christ died for our sins - He willingly shed his blood for us because He loves us. John 15:13 - Jesus counts us as friends, how amazing and wonderful is that!?! He came here to Earth specifically to save us. What a gift he has given to each and every one of us as believers!

Salvation is deliverance. Jesus gave us that as a gift when he died and was buried and then raised again.

We must worship God, not just on Sunday, but ALL THE TIME! Let God's light shine in you - show the world what the Gospel has done for you. Believe in ALL that God tells us so that you may share it wholeheartedly - lead others to the salvation that you have already secured for yourself!

Finally, the Gospel must be received. You must accept the Lord as your savior so that you may be entitled to all the things he has promised us.

The Lord sent us His Son and His Word to ensure we life our lives in a way that is pleasing to him - give His message the attention it deserves; read it, live it, share it!

Keep the Word alive - it must be Preached > Believed > Received and we each must be willing to take a stand. Take a stand for what is right and for what God wants us to do. Always choose Jesus, obey God over man for his gifts are eternal and things of this world so rapidly pass away...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Precious Promises from God

Did you know that there are more than 30,000 promises to us from God? It is up to us to Name Them and Claim Them!!!

Philippians 4:13 Seek His help and claim your blessings! 2 Peter 1:1-8 There is no reason to want anything less than what we are promised. These promises were made through Jesus Christ and they are only for believers... not for the world! We must "cast our cares" upon the Lord. Trust Him and lean on Him.

We were given the tools to help us in life. For example, when we are sick we can go to the doctor. God gave us medications and gave us those skilled in medicine to help heal us... but none of that will ever replace God's role. We must use the resources he has given us, don't always expect that his answers will come in the form you expect them to be in, or in a direct manner at all. Use whatever resources He has provided you, but don't let that be a substitute for having a close fellowship with God.

God's promises make life worth living. John 15:5 - without Him we can not succeed. We worry about troubles and sometimes we let worry take over our lives. Fight against worry and pessimism with the power of the Lord. Philippians 4:19 - Take it to God and He will supply!

Acts 17:24 We have an eternal home as believers. 2 Peter 3:13 / Hebrews 4:5. God is constructing a new Heaven and earth and He promises us rest. Revelations 7:16-17.

The promises of God will never fail because God can not fail!

Titus 1:1-2 The Lord never forgets his promises. Psalms 105:42

The promises of God will never fail because God is able to deliver in every way! Romans 4:20-21

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Keeping a Joyous Heart

Psalms 51:7-12 - Once you are saved you are not simply changed to where you will never have another worry again, where every day will automatically be filled with joy. Your personal happiness is still up to you - but by being saved you have the joy of knowing where you can spend your eternity!

Our earthly days will always be filled with earthly sins. Earthly sin challenges our joy. Your salvation can't be taken from you - but your enjoyment and happiness that you find in life can. The Devil knows that - so that is what he attacks at every opportunity. Sometimes his attacks come in the loss of something; family, health, money, job - any of those things as well as many others, can trouble our lives.

Philippians 1:1-18 - Paul wrote this while he was in prison. How many incarcerated people are joyful? Paul was! He didn't spend his time shaking the bars - screaming and yelling. No... he wrote a book - all about the joy he found in the Lord.

Often times we look at struggles in our lives in the wrong way... we have a pity party and feel sorry for the woes that we are going through. It is important to really look at things from the big picture - Paul was in prison and sure that may have felt like a heavy burden to him... but it wasn't. Paul realized that he wasn't in prison for him - he was in prison for all of the people that it would put him in touch with. Think of all the people that he brought to the Lord - all the people that were saved because of Paul's sacrifice of freedom. Next time you are going through a difficult situation or are put in a scenario like Paul was... look around and think, if not for me, who can benefit from this? Sometimes you can be the miracle for someone else and not even know it!

Philippians 2:2-5 - When we hurt we lash out at others. Rather than lashing out we should think twice and remember the love that Christ showed for us. He died on the cross for us... willingly. Let Christ's love shine in you - shine in your actions - don't let the internal pain you feel be what others see in you.

Hebrews 10:19-25 - Love one another like Christ loves us. You don't have to like all people - but the Bible does say that you do have to love them. We have to hunt for joy - it doesn't just come to us naturally. Look for it in everything that is around you. You won't get good news all your life - sometimes it will be negative...things happen and sometimes you need to look deep, but you can find joy in all things.

Philippians 1:5-6 We are all different and each of us has different traits, abilities and personalities. God wants us to put those aside and share our joys with one another. John 15:9
Increase your prayer life - and fill it with unselfish prayers. Pray one for another, remember all those who are in need. Find joy in going to the Lord in prayer on others' behalf. Find joy in asking for blessings on others - for it is joyful to be a part in other people's joy. Be specific with God, tell him what is needed - there is nothing you should hide from Him.

Take joy in your partnerships - joy in singing, studying, witnessing, find joy in life in general. Do right always - think "What would Jesus do?" - if you think of everything in terms of that question decision don't seem so difficult. Find joy in making the right choices and in getting God's approval.