Galatians 3:10-14
Crucifixion was a Persian punishment for major crimes. The Romans used it to punish Jesus. Barrabas was the son of a Rabbi and Jesus took his place on the cross, though he was the blameless one.
Jesus was crucified with two other men - one who had faith and one who did not. All three of them died on that cross, but two of them went to Heaven.
In crucifixion they hung criminals by three nails on a cross. They drove the nails; one in each wrist (not in the hand as it wouldn't hold the body weight) and then the third was through both feet. Jesus was given a crown of thorns as well. That crown of thorns was not only placed on his head, but driven down so hard that the thorns actually penetrated his skull.
Crucifixion was a very cruel ritual, one that was full of pain and mockery. No current day execution method compares to that of what Jesus went through.
We were all curse by sin and death and Hell. Jesus saved us by His sacrifice, when He gave himself on the cross for us. Jesus was our sacrifice.
Titus 2:11-14 ~ We are to be zealous of good works. Jesus purchased us from iniquity - but we are still sinners. We must be excited about the give that Jesus gave us - show your excitement!
Live for Jesus - Be Dedicated to God!
We don't come to God as criminals, but as cleansed people. The cross is a bridge - we cross it to get away from Hell and to get to God.
Colossians 2:13-14
Think of how painful it was for God to watch as His son was crucified. ~ Isaiah 53:7-10