Wednesday, August 27, 2014

God's Plan

1 Corinthians 15

Our God is a God of order. He has a plan and it all goes according to His word. Jesus is the same today as yesterday and tomorrow. God's word is binding forever.

Jesus stood trial for us. He died for the world! There were three sentenced to death the day that Jesus was crucified. Two unnamed men and a man named Barrabas. (meaning son of a Rabbi). In essence, Jesus took the place of a wayward Preacher's son in an execution. 

Jesus was a sacrificial lamb given for all of us. The people were given a chance to show mercy on one prisoner, and they set Barrabas free instead of Jesus. 

Jesus didn't die peacefully for us. He died painfully - an agonizing death. He was beaten severely, nailed to the cross, and crowned with thorns that were driven into his skull. That was OUR beating that he took. He died a sinless man, for our salvation!

Aside from physical pain and death. Jesus endured mockery from the people. Satan attacks us all constantly. He doesn't give up and you can't either. Jesus died for me and he died for you - so quitting isn't an option!

Isaiah 53:10-12 ~ Jesus' death was prophesied long before it happened. 

Just like Barrabas, we are all guilty as charged. Jesus took His place just as he took our place on that cross. He took our punishment... those were our nails that drew his blood. 

We all had a ticket to a Devil's Hell - and Jesus died to save us from that. Jesus declared "It is finished" when he died on the cross. He meant his Father's plan was finished.

Our sins are forgiven and that is thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus Chris. We must only come apologetic for our sins and we are forgiven. We are saved from Hell and the second death, thanks to the great sacrifice of our Lord Jesus.