Wednesday, August 27, 2014

God's Plan

1 Corinthians 15

Our God is a God of order. He has a plan and it all goes according to His word. Jesus is the same today as yesterday and tomorrow. God's word is binding forever.

Jesus stood trial for us. He died for the world! There were three sentenced to death the day that Jesus was crucified. Two unnamed men and a man named Barrabas. (meaning son of a Rabbi). In essence, Jesus took the place of a wayward Preacher's son in an execution. 

Jesus was a sacrificial lamb given for all of us. The people were given a chance to show mercy on one prisoner, and they set Barrabas free instead of Jesus. 

Jesus didn't die peacefully for us. He died painfully - an agonizing death. He was beaten severely, nailed to the cross, and crowned with thorns that were driven into his skull. That was OUR beating that he took. He died a sinless man, for our salvation!

Aside from physical pain and death. Jesus endured mockery from the people. Satan attacks us all constantly. He doesn't give up and you can't either. Jesus died for me and he died for you - so quitting isn't an option!

Isaiah 53:10-12 ~ Jesus' death was prophesied long before it happened. 

Just like Barrabas, we are all guilty as charged. Jesus took His place just as he took our place on that cross. He took our punishment... those were our nails that drew his blood. 

We all had a ticket to a Devil's Hell - and Jesus died to save us from that. Jesus declared "It is finished" when he died on the cross. He meant his Father's plan was finished.

Our sins are forgiven and that is thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus Chris. We must only come apologetic for our sins and we are forgiven. We are saved from Hell and the second death, thanks to the great sacrifice of our Lord Jesus. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Purpose of the Cross

Galatians 3:10-14

Crucifixion was a Persian punishment for major crimes. The Romans used it to punish Jesus. Barrabas was the son of a Rabbi and Jesus took his place on the cross, though he was the blameless one. 

Jesus was crucified with two other men - one who had faith and one who did not. All three of them died on that cross, but two of them went to Heaven.

In crucifixion they hung criminals by three nails on a cross. They drove the nails; one in each wrist (not in the hand as it wouldn't hold the body weight) and then the third was through both feet. Jesus was given a crown of thorns as well. That crown of thorns was not only placed on his head, but driven down so hard that the thorns actually penetrated his skull.

Crucifixion was a very cruel ritual, one that was full of pain and mockery. No current day execution method compares to that of what Jesus went through.

We were all curse by sin and death and Hell. Jesus saved us by His sacrifice, when He gave himself on the cross for us. Jesus was our sacrifice. 

Titus 2:11-14 ~ We are to be zealous of good works. Jesus purchased us from iniquity - but we are still sinners. We must be excited about the give that Jesus gave us - show your excitement!

Live for Jesus - Be Dedicated to God!

We don't come to God as criminals, but as cleansed people. The cross is a bridge - we cross it to get away from Hell and to get to God.

Colossians 2:13-14

Think of how painful it was for God to watch as His son was crucified. ~ Isaiah 53:7-10

Galatians 6:14-18 ~ Galatians 1:4 ~ Romans 14 ~ John 3:16 ~ John 10:11 ~ John 15:9

Be ready if Jesus comes today! The cross is there for the dead and the living - Jesus is coming to claim them all! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Heaven is for Us!!!

God created Hell for the devil and his angels. God created Heaven for man.

God's voice has been compared to a trumped elsewhere in the Bible ~ so in Revelations it is likely the voice of God that is referred to by the trumpet sound. It also refers to a door opening in Heaven... not a window as in Noah's time - but a door. That infers that we can enter in, the threshold will be open.

God's throne is in Heaven. Once the Earth is purged by fire, Jesus' throne shall be in New Jerusalem. 

We were all created for God's pleasure. He loves us even when we mess up. Just like we love our children unconditionally. God may get upset - He may even punish us or correct us... but He never forsakes or disowns us. We are all someone to God and we ALL matter to Him. 

New Jerusalem is being prepared for us. It is a dwelling place for us... for the saints of God!

      1. Hell and Lost Souls                            Revelations 21:3-4
      2. Death                                                Revelations 20:12-13
      3. Crying                                               Revelations 22:1-5
      4. Pain                                                   Genesis 4:9-10
      5. Sorrow                                              Genesis 3:16-17
      6. The Curse of the Earth                       Revelations 22:3

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Grace - How Sweet It Is!

Hebrews 4:12-16

When you don't know what to pray for... pray for grace. Let God settle the matter for you. Grace is unearned, un-merited favor with God. 
You must come to God boldly. Don't be meek in your prayers. In order to have mercy, you need grace. God has what you need, when you need it... ALWAYS!

Proverbs 1:7 ~ Acts 4:31-33

None of us deserve grace, but God offers it to all of us. We are purified through God's grace ~ it brings purpose to our lives. His grace leads our callings ~ God has a purpose for each of us. His grace gives us pardon and gives us peace. 

Ephesians 2:8 ~ Ephesians 2:4-5 ~ Titus 2:11

Repent and believe and be saved. Christ already paid our price of redemption. Jesus "bought us" back from sin and the condemnation to Hell. God's grace never runs out - it is abundant!

2 Corinthians 9:8

There are many shortages in this day and age. There are times where you wait in line just to find out that they are out of what you need once it gets to being your turn. That will never happen with God! There is NEVER a shortage of grace with Him.

2 Corinthians 4:15-16 ~ 2 Corinthians 12:9

God allows us to be tested. We all have our faith tested... so just remember. When you are brought to your knees from tribulation, take advantage of being down there and pray for grace from God. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Remember Thy Creator

Deuteronomy 6:12

Remember the Lord, and the things that he has done for you. We are feeble and the older we grow the more feeble we become. Plant the seeds of Christ in your life so that He is never forgotten. 

We live in the present and make decisions about our future from things we have learned in the past. The world is a scary place that is only getting worse. BUT God is constant and He is the same today as He was yesterday and will be tomorrow.

There are things in our past that we all wish we could forget, but we need to always remember the lessons that we learned from those things. Don't let Satan tempt you with those memories/events of your life.

Deuteronomy 6:1-11

God never forgets His promises. He always stays true to His word. Think of all the things that God has given to you - be thankful to the Lord for ALL things. Thank God continuously ~ for each and every breath that you are given. Rejoice evermore and pray without ceasing. Don't get lazy or complacent. Don't forget what He has done in your life!

Exodus 3:7-8

We should thank God for ALL things, not just the big stuff. Remember everything the Lord has done for us - none of this is from our own works. Without Him we would be nothing. People come and people go - we all have a short life span here on earth, but God is forever. Every generation must remember God above all else, He is important to the young and old, the healthy and ill - everyone needs Him! He is the reason that we are here - we were created for His pleasure and none of us would exist without him.

Give thanks daily and pray without ceasing...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Are You Pushing or Are You Pulling?

1 Corinthians 10:31

God has a work for each of us to do. No one is just a bench warmer. Seek our your skills and gifts that God has given you. A positive prayerful attitude can change your life. Can't isn't in God's vocabulary!

Philippians 4:13

The Downward Pull

Doom and Gloom ~ Don't be someone that is negative or critical all the time. Focus on the positive. Encourage each other. Be uplifting and not discouraging. Be Christians with God confidence. Spiritual cleansing and love is what we need! Repentance is also what we need. ~ Colossians 3:2-6 If we lead a right and just life then it is pleasing to the Lord. Life isn't about pleasing your; spouse, kids, family or employer - it is about pleasing GOD!!

Happy Christians

It is hard to see news and what's going on in the world today. His prophecy is being fulfilled and the end times are near. Focus on God, faith and Heaven, for in faith you shall find victory!

1 John 5:4

Magnify faith by encouragement of others. Look for the best in others, don't look to point out flaws. 

The Inward Pull

Some pull inward and are self centered. We don't need BIG I's and little u's. Personal agendas don't cut it. We are all important to God and we must remember that in how we treat others.

Romans 12:1-2

Let God renew your mind with His Word and His spirit. Win through the power of Jesus Christ - win through victory granted from God.

Push Outward

If you see someone with a need... help them! If someone is hungry... feed them. Show goodwill by sharing your own good fortune.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Grace ~ How Sweet it Is!!!

Hebrews 4:12-16

When you don't know what to pray for... pray for grace! Let God settle the matter for you. Grace is unearned, un-merited, favor with God.

Come to God boldly. Don't be meek in your prayers. In order to have mercy, you need grace. God has what you need, when you need it, ALWAYS!

Proverbs 1:7 ~ Acts 4:31-33

None of us deserve grace, but God gives it to us anyway. We are purified through God's grace - it brings purpose to our lives. His grace leads us to our callings ~ God has a purpose for each of us. God's grace gives us pardon and gives us peace. 

Ephesians 2:8 ~ Ephesians 2:4-5 ~ Titus 2:11

Repent and believe and be saved. Christ already paid our price of redemption. Jesus "bought us" back from sin and the condemnation of Hell. God's grace never runs out, it is ever abundant!

2 Corinthians 9:8

There are many shortages in this day and age. Times where you wait in line and find that they are out of what you have been waiting so long for. That won't happen with God - he NEVER has a shortage so just have faith and trust in his promise. 

2 Corinthians 4:15-16 ~ 2 Corinthians 12:9

God allows us to be tested. We all have our faith tested and when you are brought to your knees from tribulation, ask for grace from God.

Ephesians 2:4-7