Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Remember Thy Creator

Deuteronomy 6:12

Remember the Lord, and the things that he has done for you. We are feeble and the older we grow the more feeble we become. Plant the seeds of Christ in your life so that He is never forgotten. 

We live in the present and make decisions about our future from things we have learned in the past. The world is a scary place that is only getting worse. BUT God is constant and He is the same today as He was yesterday and will be tomorrow.

There are things in our past that we all wish we could forget, but we need to always remember the lessons that we learned from those things. Don't let Satan tempt you with those memories/events of your life.

Deuteronomy 6:1-11

God never forgets His promises. He always stays true to His word. Think of all the things that God has given to you - be thankful to the Lord for ALL things. Thank God continuously ~ for each and every breath that you are given. Rejoice evermore and pray without ceasing. Don't get lazy or complacent. Don't forget what He has done in your life!

Exodus 3:7-8

We should thank God for ALL things, not just the big stuff. Remember everything the Lord has done for us - none of this is from our own works. Without Him we would be nothing. People come and people go - we all have a short life span here on earth, but God is forever. Every generation must remember God above all else, He is important to the young and old, the healthy and ill - everyone needs Him! He is the reason that we are here - we were created for His pleasure and none of us would exist without him.

Give thanks daily and pray without ceasing...

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