Saturday, February 22, 2014

Becoming Closer to God's Word

Search the scriptures and meditate on them... seek the meaning that God put in each word. There are 52 versions of the Bible, but only one version is 403 years old and unchanged through time. That version is the King James 1611 Bible.

New is not always better. The newer versions of the Bible often seem easier to understand, but in changing the words the meaning is often changed as well. In the KJV version the words are often in Old English and a bit more difficult to understand, but in the unchanged language there is an unchanged meaning. Having a relationship with the TRUE Word of God is of utmost importance.
2 Timothy 3:14-17 ~ Read the Bible to learn the truth - not to prove a preconceived notion that you or someone else has. The bible is an instruction manual and we all need it.
We are to be "thoroughly" saturated with the Word, meaning being saturated both inside and out. Study to show thyself approved onto God. 2 Timothy 2:15-16
Proverbs 6:16 - follow the teachings of the Bible and teach your children them as well. God requires of us to do good works and he equips us with the ability to do so.
Live according to the Bible and show Christian ways. Not only act, but appear Godly as well.
James 1:22

The Word of God is what keeps us spiritually healthy. Titus 3:5 ~ Conquer with God's Word. Overcome sin and the devil with it. Being a part of a TRUE local church is important. It offers fellowship and support.

Discover God's Word! Preach and teach it to your family. Spread the knowledge! Ask God for help, for Him to reveal the Word and the meaning held therein.

What drives a church is the Holy Spirit - 2 Timothy 2:14-16 ~ Romans 10:10-13 ~ Acts 2:37

Let us absorb His word and digest it. 2 Timothy 3:16. All scripture is given by inspiration of God for instruction in righteousness. Psalms 34:8 ~ Psalms 19:7-10. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.

Ephesians 4:29-31 ~ Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth. Ephesians 32 ~ Be ye kind one to another, tender hearted and forgiving. Just as God for Christ's sake forgave you.
O Lord - Thy Word is settled in Heaven!
Depend on His Word -it never fails.
1 Kings 8:56 Be involved and absorbed in it!!!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Obey God

Adam and Eve lost the Garden of Eden because of disobedience!

God wants our time and our talents. Ask the question:
How can I honor God??
Is God pleased with me??
Psalms 34:1-3,7-9 ~ Praise the Lord in all you do!
Romans 6:12-14,17 ~ Let no sin therefore reign in your mortal body.

Yield to God always. We get caught up in our own selfish ways and often forget what God would want us to do. ~ Isaiah 55:6-9
Our will or his will ~ Our way or his way
God never puts demands on us that we can't meet. Believe on God's promises! Hebrews 11:8

Hatred is part of our sin nature, don't let it win - listen to that still small voice inside...
Always Be Obedient to God!


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Our Time Here

Time is important and our time here is but a short portion of eternity. Before time was, God was. He is the God of the past, the present, and the future. He is omnipresent and omnipotent and omniscient. He knows all - what you are doing and thinking and saying.

We all wish for a chance to roll back the clock for a "re-do". But, we can't, so we must take and make each day count. Every day remember Jesus and His message.

Satan paints a very pretty picture of sin. He makes it attractive and can convince you that it is okay... but you can fight him off if you keep God's message close to your heart at all times!
The greatest thing that you can do as a Christian is give the love that God gave to you. Give that love to others - to your friends, your neighbors and yes, even those you despise.

Love is proven by actions and deeds, not by words. Love acts kindly and does not discriminate. Love your enemy as well as your friend.
Bless them that oppose you.
If you want forgiveness then you need to be quick to give it also.
People always remember the verse of, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, vengeance shall be mine!" and then they leave it at that. They seem to consistently forget that there is an actual end to that phrase and it is, "Vengeance shall be mine, SAITH THE LORD" You must leave all things to the Lord, it is his battle, not yours!
Always be ready for prayer. Pray secretly, not out for others to give you glory for being faithful. Matthew 6:6 - Find peace and solitude - a place to focus on God.
God knows your needs - even before you ask for them. Believe that God CAN answer your prayers. He knows genuine true faith and He answers.
Remember His messages on stewardship. It is our duty to witness to others. We are witnesses of His miraculous acts.
Compel people to the House of God!
Remember the message about Heaven. We can't earn it or buy it. God gave it to us.

Every day remember His message on the second coming.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Wise Men Still Seek Him


We don't know how many wise men actually came to see Jesus when he was born. We guess three because we know that there were three gifts given. It is also often taught that the wise men came at Jesus' birth - arriving shortly after Jesus did. Many manger scenes can be observed during Christmas and it depicts Jesus in a bed of hay with the wise men and their gifts.

In all reality, the wise men traveled a great distance to see Jesus. It would have been a bit of a travel even now, but thousands of years ago, before modern transportation it would have been more than a small feat. It is figured that it could have taken them as many as two years to make the journey to meet their new born King, as it is known that it took four months to go from Babylon to Jerusalem alone.  Ezra 7:9

The wise men sought Him out to worship Him. They risked their lives; crossed deserts and obstacles. The travel would have been arduous, expensive, exhausting - but in the end - more than worth it!

We live in a time when people don't have time for Jesus, and you are ridiculed if you do. Think back to the wise men - the men that dedicated their time, energy and money to meet Jesus when He was a baby.

God's Word tells us that there is an accountability to mankind. People who ignore Him and refuse to bow down will no longer have a choice.
We all sin, but we are also ALL able to be forgiven.
Daniel 12:10 - Seek Jesus for the lost - for your; children, friends and neighbors. Seek Him and lead others.
Worship in all aspects of your life; in song, in deed, in all things. It is necessary to give. What will you give to Jesus? Your attention? Your spirit? Your time? Your life? You should give whatever He requires of you!
2 Corinthians 8:1-5 Give yourself to the Lord and your life will seem to fall into place. God loves a cheerful giver and He rewards a giving heart.
Give of time, talents and treasure. God gives us the best and we must be willing to share that with others.
Romans 8:1 - God's Word warns of procrastinations.
2 Corinthians 6:2 - Now is the day and the time, find salvation in the Lord!
Acts 8:39 - Wise men still depart from Jesus as changed individuals!