Sunday, February 16, 2014

Obey God

Adam and Eve lost the Garden of Eden because of disobedience!

God wants our time and our talents. Ask the question:
How can I honor God??
Is God pleased with me??
Psalms 34:1-3,7-9 ~ Praise the Lord in all you do!
Romans 6:12-14,17 ~ Let no sin therefore reign in your mortal body.

Yield to God always. We get caught up in our own selfish ways and often forget what God would want us to do. ~ Isaiah 55:6-9
Our will or his will ~ Our way or his way
God never puts demands on us that we can't meet. Believe on God's promises! Hebrews 11:8

Hatred is part of our sin nature, don't let it win - listen to that still small voice inside...
Always Be Obedient to God!


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