A Spirit filled church is one that is:
- Steadfast in God's Word
- Growing
- Has consistent attendance by its members
- Full of fellowship
- Celebratory with breaking of bread
- A praying church
Acts 2:38 shows that we were given the Holy Spirit as a gift. When you use the Bible as a guide the Spirit is active with you and the Lord blesses that. It is important to conduct your church in a way that is patterned after the church in Jerusalem. That church was devout in their worship - spending time daily in the temple.
Conviction is so important - you must make the commitment to be devout in your worship. People are often taunted for being devout in their worship - sometimes their actions being called ritualistic. It is all a matter of how you look at things. Do you go to your job everyday? Do you eat dinner everyday? Do you consider those actions ritualistic...and if so, is that a bad thing? Some rituals are good - make a habit of talking to God and doing things that please Him.
Acts 2:45 Talks of how the church members sold their possessions and made sure each one had what they needed. They operated as a family, as a group where everyone supported one another in every way. That model worked in its time, but for many reasons has to be altered to fit modern day. Face it, if we all went to church on Sunday and the pastor said "Clear out your bank accounts, sell your cars and homes, and put the proceeds in the collection plate next Sunday" I think that would be our last time attending that church. But that model should be applied in that we need to take care of one another. If we have extra of something share it - seek out someone who needs what you have to give.
We often look to men for approval for our thoughts and actions - that is not the approval that we need to be seeking. In Acts 5:29 Peter makes a valid point, we should be obeying God rather than Man. Peter and the apostles knew that they were sinners saved by grace, and that they could not be saved by mere men.
Romans 1: The Word and God's love is for everyone. There is no one out there that doesn't need Jesus - that was true back when the Bible was written and it is true now. Share the Word, spread the joy that it has brought your life. Paul was not ashamed of the gospel and neither should we be. Paul was threatened with prison - bodily harm - and much more...yet he continued to spread the word. Don't fear mere words from people... be strong in your faith and share it with the world. Mark 16:15
Be thankful for the many blessings you have - be content and happy for things can always be worse. Philippians 4:11 tells us to be content, in whatever state we are in. Don't let any situation or sadness stop you from spreading the Word!
Acts 11:26 - Christians were first recognized as such. Christian meaning Christ like - use Him as a model. Be the beacon of God's love - 2 Timothy 1 - show it to the world! Do not apologize for preaching the truth - follow the Word and be non-judgmental yourself yet honest in God's desires of us.
Psalms 126 - Be thankful to the Lord for all he does for you. Give thanks to Him without ceasing. Sometimes it isn't just our words that make the difference it is our actions and the light that our lives shine. Be the Lord's beacon of light!
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