2 Corinthians 5:13
The purpose of our existence is to LIVE, it is not to simply exist. In God's eyes it isn't about the quantity, but the quality. As humans, we do now know how many days we have on this earth... we may have years left, we may have only days - but in the end it is about what we do with the time we do have. The purpose of life is to prepare for Heaven, to live a life that is pleasing to God. If you live your life with Jesus in your heart, then you will not experience spiritual death and you will life on eternally even after this life passes.
Galatians 2:20 - God gave his Son for us... he sent Jesus to die on the cross so that we wouldn't have to suffer the weight of our own sin. God gave such a large sacrifice that it is a small request to ask us to live a life that is pleasing to him.
We are a small speck - a small piece of a much bigger puzzle. God created man to fellowship with him. We were created to be God's friend, how awesome is that?!? It is important that we always remember the sacrifice that He gave - what if we were asked to sacrifice our own child - what would you do?
I read this story a long time ago and it really hit home for me - I would like to share it with you all in hopes it puts things into perspective:
One day there is a story on the news that there is a new disease, a horrible strain of the flu that is killing people by the hundreds. The disease gets so out of control that the CDC calls a national state of emergency and requires that every US citizen be blood tested to try to find someone who was immune to the disease....someone who offered a cure, a clue, something.
For weeks people were tested and awaited to hear their fate. They awaited to hear that they found a cure, all the while they watched helplessly as they lost family members, neighbors, friends... the disease was seemingly going to wipe out the entire nation if not the world.
A father is sitting in front of his television, watching the devastation and death all around. He prays every night for a cure to be found, for this horrible disease to spare his young son. Every night the two pray together, for the Lord to have mercy and to spare the human race.
The next day there was a knock on their door - it was someone from the CDC. He told them they had to come with them... they had found something interesting in their son's blood. They said not to be alarmed, that it was good, his son was believed to be immune.
The father fell to his knees and praised God. He was so thankful that their prayers had been answered. The father and his son followed the man from the CDC and got into his van. They were rushed to the nearest test center where his son's blood was drawn again to confirm their suspicions. Hours later a doctor walked in and nodded, indeed his son's blood offered a clue. Not only did it offer a clue, but it offered a cure.
The scientists had anticipated that they would find someone who was immune and had made a plan on how they could take that person's blood and turn it into an antidote. They shared that plan with the father and shared how amazing this opportunity was that his son could save all of mankind.
The father was so happy. They were saved, this nightmare was over. All they needed was a signature giving consent to take the blood that was needed for the procedure. Before the father signed the paper the doctor got very graven and said, "There is one thing I need to tell you.". The father eagerly awaited what the doctor had to say, after all every minute that passed people died - what could be so important to hold this process up?
The doctor said, "I am afraid that in all of our planning we had hoped that there would be more than one donor. We had anticipated that there may only be one and we have the procedure set to where we can use a single adult donor and they can survive... we simply didn't anticipate the donor would be a young boy of only 8. We can make the procedure work, but we will need a larger percentage of the donor's blood than if it was an adult."
The father hesitated, realizing that this was going to be a risk to his son. He asked the doctor, exactly how much of his son's blood they would need? In response the doctor answered solemnly, "All of it. Your son will not survive, but he will save many in the process."
Tears welled up in the father's eyes as he looked to his son. How could he give up his son's life, even to save millions? He couldn't, he simply couldn't. Before he could refuse, his son grabbed his hand and said, "It's okay Daddy... they need me to do this, God answered our prayers with me. Let them have my blood, Daddy - God needs me."
Trying to fight the tears back the father realized what he had to do. He signed the paper and he held his son's hand until he felt his little arm go limp. He hugged his boy one last time, then he walked out into the crowd of people...
That story depicts what God must have felt watching Jesus die on the cross. He made that ultimate sacrifice and saved mankind. What if you were that father and you gave up your son and saved the world. Then what if those very people that you saved simply wasted their lives - weren't grateful and even blasphemed you and your son's name? How would that make you feel?
Hebrews 12:1-2 You must lay aside your burdens - the weight of your sin so that you can "run the race" of life. Everyone has sin that holds them back, but our focus needs to be on the finish line, not on the weights that we are carrying along the way. You can't worry about those around you or what they are carrying with them either. If you look to Jesus - you are looking to the finish line. He is standing there waving that checkered flag.
It is important that we follow his example and life for Him. The best way to know how to live is to read his Word and to go to church. Church is simply practice for Heaven...sure you can get in without it, but it helps you be prepared for when you get there.
Acts 20:28 No one knows or loves you like Jesus - he is there to take care of you and to fellowship with. Micah 7:7Rely on Jesus - get help from him. He already knows your needs... all you need is to reach out and ask for his help - he hears your prayers.
Colossians 3:16 - The Bible is a teaching book. The Word is inspiring and we are to enjoy it and let it dwell in us. Smile in your heart for that makes the Lord smile. Feed your soul with the Word, spend time in your Bible daily for it nourishes your spirit.
Revelations 22 - Lean on Jesus. You can't do it alone - you simply can't make it through life's trials and tribulations without Him. He is your crutch, lean on Him so that the devil can not trip you!
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