Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Rewards for Faithfulness

God wants to bless you with good things and he isn't going to run out! God doesn't have a limited supply of blessings to bestow - his supply is limitless!

Like any Father, God wants us to earn our rewards. He wants to give them to us! If we aren't living right and earning our rewards then we are only depriving ourselves.

There are five crowns that we can earn and the Bible gives us direction on how to earn each one.

1. The incorruptible crown: 1 Corinthians 9:24,25
2. The crown of rejoicing: 1 Thessalonians 2:19, 20. & Daniel 12:3
3. The crown of life: James 1:12
4. The crown of righteousness: 2 Timothy 4:8
5. The crown of glory: 1 Peter 5:1~4

God has given us the guidance through the Holy Spirit to earn them and now the choice is up to us. When your time of departure comes you must be ready. There is no chance to put it off - when you are called you must go! It is important to live like there is no tomorrow, because you never know when it is your last day here on Earth.

When Jesus was on the cross we were on his mind. he sacrificed Himself for each and every one of us. In return all He asks of us is obedience.

We are at war against the Devil. Put on the armor of God so that you can be victorious. Stand up - Speak up - Be heard!!! We have victory in Jesus ~ claim it!
We all have a crown waiting for us!

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