Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Redeemer




If you repent you shall be forgiven!

When Jesus gave up the ghost and said, "It is finished," He was referring to the plan of salvation being completed. Isaiah 53
If it wasn't for Jesus we wouldn't have any of these things. It is through Him that we have forgiveness and salvation. Christ died for us all. He died so that we may have eternal life - we were justified through His blood.


  1. Peace with God through a piece of God. Isaiah 9:6 prophesized of Christ's birth. Jesus is the Prince of Peace! John 14:27 / Philippians 4:7
  2. Access - He not only forgives us, but he also becomes our best friend! Hebrews 4:14-16

Pray to The Lord and He shall provide!

Find mercy and grace in His love.


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